We Coach
CEOs and Founders to enhance corporate performance with clarity.
Coaching meets full potential
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Coaching for Growth. Enhancing corporate performance through personal development & clarity.
Coaching for Clarity. Empowering, supporting and accelerating transitions.
Coaching leaders who work where they were not born or with people who are different.
Our clients are seeking sustainable performance in complex environments. We provide the space and tools to gain clarity of thoughts and ease for the mind.
Why Black Slope?
"Black slopes are the steepest, narrowest, most challenging paths to conquer in ski resorts all over the world. 40%-100% decent and only those who master the art, move with elegance, speed, control and fun. The others …
Having trained ski instructors and special forces, I have experienced it repeatedly; success often depends on more than one thing: on the collaboration of body & mind, of preparation & execution, of awareness & skill. Only when all these come together, one can conquer the runs fast, controlled, safe, and joyful.
A black slope is a path. Within the slope there are various ways – options to choose from and influencing factors to consider in order to make the journey your own – just like in life."
Ulrich Seega - Founder of Black Slope